You're in for a week of fun and learning!
Oklahoma Close Up takes place in Oklahoma City, our session is a 3-day session, and along with breakout sessions, moch legislation, debate, visits to the Capitol, and fun exploration of the area around our Capitol!
Where you will stay:
Teachers and student participants stay at the Holiday Inn, Oklahoma City North, 6200 N. Robinson Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405-286-4777). Oklahoma Close Up Steering Committee members and Program Instructors stay here as well. We do our best to have Male teachers/chaperones and students stay on the same floor, and female teachers/chaperones and students stay on another floor. With the logistics of the hotel this may not be able to be accomplished. Oklahoma Close Up provides security that roams the floors checking on each Close Up room throughout the night.
About food:
Meals are provided from Tuesday 's lunch until Friday breakfast (Students will need to bring monies for lunch during the Shadowing on Wednesday). If you have special food needs, let us know on the online registration form. You should bring extra money for special snacks and souvenirs if you like.
How do you prepare?
Start by visiting our webpage. Read over all the FAQ’s and other information. Possibly check out the many links we have to find out what’s going on in Oklahoma. This will prepare you for program participation.
For the security of participants, no visitors are allowed on program or are they able to leave program. Teachers are required to bring students with them. No student participant will be permitted to use his/her own car while attending Oklahoma Close Up. Please see your district rules for more information.
Student expectations:
You are representing your family, school and district while attending Program. Our Program Terms & Conditions and these items below are our expectations of you:
I will respect proper decorum and dress while participating in the program and its activities.
I will be prepared and willing to participate in all activities.
I will cooperate with teachers, participants and staff in all academic, social and living situations.
I will not use cell phones or similar devices while participating in session activities.
I will not possess or use alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs.
I will abide by the session schedule
I will abide by the rule of no room visitation between male and female participants
I will abide by these items listed above and items listed on the Program Terms & Conditions
If you should violate these rules, your school superintendent will be notified and you will be sent home at your parent's expense.
You will find the issues discussed and the questions raised are not only personally interesting, but of great importance to the future of OUR State. Oklahoma Staff looks forward to your participation in this wonderful program.